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Article IV



Section 1

Meetings will be scheduled twice a month or more frequently as needed. The timing and venue for the Annual Convention will be established by the Executive Committee. Notifications will be sent to members by the Secretary or a designated individual via email.

Section 2

The President is authorized to convene a meeting of the Executive Committee at a time and location of his/her choosing, if all Committee members receive written notification at least three (3) days in advance. The Secretary or an appointed representative will be responsible for sending out the meeting notifications via email.


Meetings Rules

Section 1

Every meeting must include a defined agenda and minutes must be recorded. 

  • The secretary is responsible for documenting the minutes, which should be distributed to members via email within seven days.
  • It is essential that all communications intended for distribution before meetings are completed.
  • The executive may convene a special meeting following careful deliberation and consideration.
  • Voting at all meetings will occur by raising hands, except for the Executive Committee elections, where a secret ballot will be utilized.
  • Every member is permitted one vote, and proxy voting is prohibited.
  • A member may put forth a nomination for another member, which must be supported by a second member. 
  • In the case of a tie in votes, the presiding officer shall possess a casting vote in addition to their own vote.
  • To achieve a quorum in all meetings, there must be four (4) attendees present, including no fewer than two Members of the Executive.

Section 2

If an Executive Member is absent for an extended duration of up to three (3) months, another Committee Member may assume their responsibilities; however, this individual is limited to casting a single vote on each motion.

Section 3

An Executive Member who does not attend three consecutive meetings without prior notification and valid justification may face termination of their position by the Committee.